Windows Setup: Installing Using The Mbr Or Gpt Partition Style

It has happened lớn quite a few users that they are having trouble installing Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7or otherversions and builds of Microsoft operating system because of this message shown above sầu.Fortunately, this is not a difficult problem to tackle.Before we actually get started lớn solve sầu this problem, here is something you might want to lớn know, just to help you understvà what problem you are dealing with.MBR (Master Boot Record) & GPT (GUID Partition Table) are two different types of partitioning structures. MBR is the most compatible và still necessary in some cases, whilst GPT is the newer standard and is gradually replacing MBR with many advantages it brings.The reason why you are seeing this notification is that the new operating system you are installing is based on UEFI system and it requires to be installed on GPT. The original operating system is with MBR partition structures, thus with the error.Now that we are clear about the reason, we can move sầu forward to lớn the solution. We just need khổng lồ convertthe partition type from MBR to GPT & then install again.

Bạn đang xem: Windows setup: installing using the mbr or gpt partition style

WARNING: Please mane sure that you have sầu backed-up all the data in your partitions, not just partition C, before you move on. Because the following moves will erase ALL your data và files on your disks.Option One1) Turn off your computer, & then put in the Windows installation DVD or USB key.2) Startthe computer. You should be able khổng lồ see the Install Windows window.
3) Then press Shift + F10 at the same time to open a comm& prompt window.4) In the Comm& Prompt window, type in the following commands:diskpartmenu diskHit Enter respectively after each commvà.
5)Identify the disk you want to reformat. Select it & then reformat it by typing the command below:select disk (your disk number)cleanconvert gptexitStill, hit Enter after each of the comm&.Cthua the Comm& Prompt window.6) Now just continue the Windows Setup installation.7) When asked Which type of installation vày you want? Choose Custom.

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8) The driver will appear as a single area of unallocated space. Choose the unallocated space và click Next.
The Windows installation should begin now.Option TwoNOTE: Please make sure that you have made a backup of your data on the disk before you continue. Because this will erase ALL the data on the disk you choose khổng lồ convert.1) Press Windows keyX at the same time, then choose Disk Management.
2) Right cliông chồng the partitions on the drive sầu and then choose Delete Partition or Delete Volume… to remove sầu them. Repeat this process in each partition on that disk.

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3) After you remove all the partitions from the disk, you can right click the disk và select Convert khổng lồ GPT Disk. This option will only be available when all the partitions have been wiped.