Tài sản tiếng anh là gì

(usually abbreviated to lớn propprop) a small piece of furniture or an article used by an actor in a play

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To thử nghiệm the role of purely spatial global properties, the luminance distribution in each image was subjected to lớn a spatial-frequency analysis.
We generalize the notion of reversible systems in symbolic dynamics, & investigate their properties.
Spatialisation models should take into lớn account a couple of important physical attributes of a sounding object, namely its form size và its radiation properties.
The optical properties of the device can be altered by applying a field whose distorting influence on the liquid crystal opposes that of the surfaces.
Because they cannot clayên ổn real property on their findings, they may attach their names khổng lồ them as a gesture of symbolic ownership for their work.
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Xem thêm: Giải Mã Giấc Mơ: Nằm Mơ Thấy Đỉa Cắn, Đỉa Bám Vào Chân, Giải Mã Giấc Mơ: Nằm Mơ Thấy Đỉa Là Điềm Báo Gì




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