How to fix the err_connection_timed_out error

When you are going khổng lồ visit any site using Google Chrome, you may encounter various problems. The ERR Connection Timed Out is one of the most annoying issues for Google Chrome users. This error usually shows up for one or maybe a few websites while other sites just load fine without any error.

Bạn đang xem: How to fix the err_connection_timed_out error

Several things may cause this err connection timed out. The source of this problem can be from a user kết thúc or the site owner over. The good news is, this error can be fixed easily with a couple of quiông xã tweaks. Even if you are running the lathử nghiệm version of Chrome, you may encounter this problem.


Fix 2: Edit Windows Host File

Another Working Method to lớn fix ERR CONNECTION TIMED OUT in Google Chrome. You should kiểm tra hosts file if you see this error websites. Maybe those websites have been blocked using the host’s tệp tin. To Reviews and modify the hosts tệp tin, follow these steps.

The hosts file location is C:WindowsSystem32driversetc.In the “etc” folder, select the file named “hosts”Right click & then Open it with Notepad or Notepad++You will have to remove all lines after the last hash.

Afterwards, the internet properties window will appear, from there,

Select the “Connections” tabCliông chồng on “LAN Settings”Now uncheck all options & save the settings.

At last Restart your computer.

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Fix 4: Flush DNS and Remix IP

This issue can also be associated with DNS or IPhường. That’s why we will flush the DNS cađậy và release/renew IPhường address which may resolve the issue. Go to lớn start menu và type in cmd in the search box & hit enter. Command prompt window will pop up.

Fix 5: Disable Firewall

Cheông xã your firewall & mạng internet security lớn make sure your browser is not blocked from accessing the mạng internet. If you have any trang web filtering software installed in your system, then uninstall them.

Once you apply these changes in the firewall, there will be no timeout error in Google Chrome.

Fix 6: Liên hệ ISP

Sometimes you may face this error only when you connect lớn the mạng internet through a specific network. This problem source is not on your PC. In that case, you should tương tác your ISPhường. and let them know that you are getting problem while visiting some websites.


In this article, we have sầu collected all important sources lớn eliminate the Timed Out (ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT) error in Google Chrome. If our fixing guide does not fix your issue, please Reinstall the Chrome or directly liên hệ the Chrome Developers.

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