Bể cá tiếng anh là gì

They prefer brackish water conditions but will vày fine in clear freshwater aquariums if provided with enough food and vegetation.

Bạn đang xem: Bể cá tiếng anh là gì

During the past decades it has been disseminated into closed or semi-closed aquaculture systems and aquaria around the world, mainly due to the ornamental fish trade.
There are other areas that are related to recreation & tourist activities, including churches, cathedrals, galleries, museums, historic houses, gardens, caves, caverns, zoos, aquariums and sports centres.
Over the last decade or so, the demand for aquatic plants has strongly increased in order to lớn supply private aquariums, garden tanks or botanical gardens.
The aquaria were covered with dark cloth and placed in dark temperature controlled rooms lớn reduce irrelevant và stressful stimuli.
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